It is fantastic to be starting a new year of ministry settled in our new home. With the building process behind us (thanks to the many hard working volunteers), we can now focus more on the people we came here to be with.
2013 started with a morning of prayer and planning for the Kingdom Aviation Ministry (KAM) team. As the morning flew by, it became evident that the prayer needs from our many points of contact with people dotted all around the West Kimberley are growing. Each community that the KAM team visits was represented by a page of prayer points stuck on the wall. We moved around the room individually reading each one and taking time to pray.

The ministry schedule for Term One looks much the same as Term Four of 2012 with the exception of more regular visits to Mowanjum.
Monday: Greg & Linda – One Arm Point (plus Yong joining us each fortnight).
Tuesday: Yong & Dave – Ngalapita & Milligidee; Greg & Linda – Mowanjum (afternoon)
Wednesday: Dave & Greg – Noonkanbah & Looma
Thursday: Yong & Dave – Yakanarrah & Djugerari; Greg & Vicki – Derby High; Greg & Linda – Mowanjum (afternoon)
Friday: Yong & Dave – Mt Barnett
Exciting news is that it looks like we have a new team member coming on board mid year! Again, stay tuned for the KAM newsletter.

We would appreciate prayer for safety in flying, team unity, effective ministry & God’s provision for each team member as well as the funds needed to keep the planes flying. Thank you for taking the time to read our update!