Since before we were married (in 1992), we have felt a conviction to serve God full time in His mission, wherever that may be. So far this has included serving as dorm parents for the children of ex-pats in Northern Pakistan and Northern Thailand (Chiang Mai), helping to spread God’s word in Asia through Reach Beyond Radio (formerly HCJB Australia) in the East Kimberley and now, reaching out to the Indigenous people of the West Kimberley in Nth West Australia.
We have been based in the remote town of Derby (town of approx. 5000) since August 2011. We currently serve here with Pioneers Australia with a focus on pastoral care, Bible teaching and discipleship. Our main places of ministry are within the town Derby & the nearby community of Mowanjum (approx. 300).
We are both involved in prison visitation/chaplaincy (through Prison Fellowship), Greg works part time helping to manage the Mowanjum Community Resource Centre which is a great opportunity for him to regularly interact with the community. Linda also leads/teaches women’s Bible study in Mowanjum & Derby. Besides these things we are available for local relationships and pastoral care.
There are a lot of spiritual needs and social problems due to generational trauma in this area, such as drug and alcohol abuse, child neglect, domestic violence and suicide. There are also a lot of positives, such as open hearts, strong family ties and a vast network of local shared knowledge. We pray that we can make a difference through being available for long term relationships.
This is not just ‘our’ ministry, we feel like an extension of the heart of other Christians reaching out to the people of this area through their prayers and support. When we tell our friends here that there are people praying for them it is a great encouragement to them.
Acknowledgement of Custodians of Country and the Creator
We acknowledge the Nyikina/Warrwa Aboriginal people as the Traditional Custodians of the land where we live and work. We also acknowledge the people of Worrora/Wunambul/Ngarinyin/Bardi/Jawi/Mangala/Unggumi/Bunuba/Walmajarri/Kija/Gooniyandi/Oogardang/Oomeday/Yow Jabi & Wangkatjunka nations with whom we interact. We pay our respects to their strength, cultural resilience and to their Elders.
We acknowledge & lament the atrocities done to Aboriginal people in the history of this area and seek to bring about the conciliation & healing of Christ.
We honour the Creator of all of us as the One who created and sustains the land on which we all live.
“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples made by human hands. Nor is He served by human hands, as if He needed anything, because He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands.
God intended that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.
‘For in Him we live and move and have our being.’
– Acts 17:24-28a